Thursday, May 5, 2016

Twenty-Three Hours in the Sky

So here we are, after three different flights, lounging nicely in a pretty cool looking room. I cannot begin to explain how happy I am to have a bed, although it's a little too firm for me, it's still nice to have something to lay down on after three different on each flight.

I'm actually not quite sure how much sleep I got the night before. It was one of those, conscious sleeps and yet you know you slept. I had an alarm go off at 3 but I hung out in bed until Shannon called me at like 3:30-ish. Ironically enough, the bus and Shannon was running late so there was only a few of us when we should have gathered. But eventually everyone who was taking the bus showed up....and let me say that was one weird bus... was a party bus blaring a whole heck of a lot of rap and hip hop music and at four thirty in the morning? Oh dear, there was in fact a whole where the pole would've been and apparently there was a trap door somewhere for people who needed to throw up.

We got to the airport with about an hour and a half left, check our bags and set forth! Oddly enough, I was the only person in our group of sixteen to get TSA pre-check, which I've never gotten before, like EVER. So I thought that was a little weird and kind of nice not having to worry about holding people up or throwing things back into your bag.

The first flight was from Columbus to LAX and it was five hours. I don't remember for the life of me if I tried to sleep, which I think I did. I got a window seat so that was nice to be able to lean on it. We had only about two hours in LAX before we boarded our plan to Tokyo-Narita. This one was the longest at 10 hours and 54 minutes, and yes, the first movie I watched was Deadpool. It was along these lines of one movie, then we got "lunch", then I started Frankenstein (with Daniel Radcliffe) before stopping to take a nap, that somehow worked out, a little. Luckily this time I had an isle row so I sprawled a lot. Before waking up finishing Frankenstein, watching an episode of Adventure Time before napping again. There was mid-flight ice cream sandwich before I napped and then watched a little of Shaun the Sheep the movie before everything just kind of blurs together. So I'm just assuming that this order was probably wrong. 

We then landed in the wonderful land of Tokyo, where I saw many things that I will be buying on the way back and am very happy that my father got Yen for the flight back cause I definitely saw a few things for some people. Oddly enough though Tokyo was much more heavy on what you wore and brought for scanning. They heavily inspected many of the liquids and if you had thick soled shoes on, like I did with my boots or Professor Glowski with her thick heels. So we had to wear slippers. The security though was really cute for they all kept saying thank you, which you would respond and it went round and round.

We then had that small layover in Tokyo before we had our last flight to Bangkok that was seven hours. Which after having that 11 hour flight, seven was nothing. I again got an aisle set but this time I couldn't for the life of me sleep. My schedule is completely screwed up I couldn't even remember what day it was cause we left on a Wednesday but arrived really late on that Thursday.....

Anyhoo, the drive to the hotel was about forty-five minutes where I counted nine 7/11's on the way. Three are practically right next to us. There is also an elementary school across from us. The room I'm in is facing the other side so hopefully there voices won't carry, but who knows. There really 'traditional'/modern in a way and I could see myself with a room like this. Ehh kind of bohemian in a way.

So yeah...that's the trip so far. More images if you scroll down.

My triple check to see if he was still with me before the flight to LAX.

I got excited about this, to see real monks for the first time besides when I
got to see the Dali Lama.
Rice fields? when flying out of Tokyo-Narita

Just outside our hotel, there are a lot of stray cats and they love the hood of cars,
I'm assuming cause they're probably cool.
Doppellump knows how to make friends faster than me!

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