Thursday, May 12, 2016

Emotional Battery at -2%

The last two nights the elephants have been very vocal, trumpeting when they can. One just did it and it sounded very angry. I do have to wonder why they have been doing it so much recently. I hadn't started hearing them until two nights ago.

Today was kind of a nice day where we were working the shade both the morning and evening. The morning we did elephant food. We washed pumpkins and cucumbers, then washed watermelons, then peeled bananas and threw them into tubes of rice, then made rice balls adding in brown sugar and grain. Then we got to feed them. This was also the time where I finally got to get a photo of Doppellump with an elephant. I had several taken but the ones that turned out the nicest were when I was holding him. I wanted the elephant to hold it but I doubt there was anyway to actually get her to hold him, but Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement to him. He is now a wonderful sixteen year-old who could try to get his drivers license.

Begin rant: Although I cherish him very much, most of the students that I have been traveling with don't understand why I have him with me. The two teachers and a few people think it's actually sweet that I brought him along, but the students were talking about me carrying him around when we went to feed the elephants. I'm sorry that I brought him? Seriously, I am quite proud I brought him, and haven't lost him yet. I have always left him on the bed or in my bag and this has been his only outing where I knew he would return promptly after feeding. There is a girl who in the beginning didn't mind me (not my ex-roommate), but now just by the slight body language she has with me or the slight wording she has used with me I can tell that she dislikes me a lot. She was the one that began it all she was whispering to her close friend about why I had him the entire time we were walking to and feeding the elephants. I'm a little irritated that she has whispered about me these past few days, but from elementary school I have learned that people either like me and we're good friends, or hate me. I don't really know any people in between. End rant.

I didn't eat a lot for lunch today, I wasn't really hungry, and my emotional state is at an all time low that I know a break down is just around the corner if I don't actually get alone time, that has not happened. We have always been doing so many things that I don't think I've ever been alone alone. Alone time is usually me in bed reading or at my desk somewhere online surfing or typing.

My computer is hot and an elephant is rumbling. Google drive kind of working, I got a few photos up, but it will throw fits, so I don't know when they'll all be uploaded.

In the afternoon we cleaned out the overnight enclosures for the elephants. Never trust Mix or the boys with the hose, they were just get water all over you. I lucked out by not getting too wet, so my phone was safe, it was just my shoes that were soaked in the end. So I kind of wished I had brought some flip flops but I told myself Shannon said closed toed shoes, and I doubted we would actually be going to the beach. Bad decision on my part, but oh well.

We finished pretty fast leaving us a decent amount of free time to hang out so I went to get a few gifts for some people before going back to the room and reading for a while before deciding to come here for snacks and hopefully so solo writing time that didn't happen. So I've been playing music, they don't see to mind.

We've been sleeping with the door open now because it cools down a lot during the night. With this we have been having a lot of visitors throughout the night, one was a yowling cat that really wanted attention. I was woken up by him but it was a very drifty state that it was really only my ears that were functioning as well as a little bit of my train of thought but nothing else before I fell back asleep.

Google drive has stopped working.

Can't you just tell my energy is in a low area right now? I seriously need alone time and that is not possible at all. People always want to talk or they are always around. I have not found any alone time and I cannot withstand it for much longer. I hate to say it but I might take tomorrow off in the morning to actually have the room to myself. I'm getting completely irritated and I know it's just showing in my writing.

So yeah...a guy just walked up who smells really bad.

I haven't had dinner yet, but I think I might get some happy water tonight, cause they sell it here.



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