Sunday, January 29, 2017

Tripping Flat Footed

*Warning...political things will most likely be brought up within this text

Three weeks in and I know that the infamous senioritis has already kicked in. Thus, of course, I think it actually kicked in way before this semester started, and started back in November. As I had to shift into high gear that last few weeks prepping for my portfolio to be turned in and with only four of the ten pieces needed to be finalized and the scramble of trying to find and create the other six with as much spare time that I could muster. It was those days of either: Wake up, class, eat, art, eat, art, sleep, repeat or Wake up, class, eat, art, dance, eat, art, sleep, repeat with little to no time in between to really do anything else. It was not the first time to experience over production drowning (as what I call when you have more than one creative class at once) and receiving no sympathy what-so-ever from the teachers that had me during those time periods. I know it isn't something to expect and something that I should no complain about, but I do hate it when teachers think they are the only class that you have and apparently don't have an outside life and there is also that famous post that sometimes makes it way around in the interwebs of, "Why Didn't You Study?"

It was during that time period that I really wanted to use this to actually put forth to my teachers but cross out the study and replace it with "Next time your teacher asks you why you didn't art, say this:" and just stay silent as they read it slowly. I know I would get laughed at or shunned or whatever a teacher would do when they received this but trust me when I say I would try and get away with this as much as possible.
But let us back peddle a little and begin by answering, why is this blog started up again? Many of you already know that this is my last semester as an undergraduate. Scary, exciting, and filled to the brim with the worry of the infinite amount of things that could happen during and after all of this is over. In one of my four classes, there is a requirement to create a journal or blog in which we are supposed to help us create an artist statement for our senior show. There is another class where you're supposed to journal anyway about practically anything, so I decided to combined the two, er...killing to birds with one stone, really, and kind of do both. Though for the artist statement I am quite stumped and am not surprised at all. I'm stilling working on art and probably won't know what to say until all pieces have been decided upon. If there is a due date before that I might just kind of throw something together and give it to my teacher (Sorry Janice!) until I actually know what's going in.
I could use or go off of what I said for my portfolio that I created for last semester cause many (and most of the pieces in it) may end up being in my show. Which can be found here. I am probably not the only person that thinks it's weird when you hear your own voice recorded and then played back to you and I can't help but wonder how many people think it's me speaking versus someone else speaking and not my own voice. A study for another day. But this doesn't quite work now for the many creations I have made just at the start of this semester.
Well....pushing further back to week one of school.
St. Louis=driving to school=half-way mark=super cold=new car can't handle cold=causes some things to freeze=car won't start. Yeah, my car didn't start on the Sunday we were supposed to arrive for my last semester of college. Blame the could, my dad and I irritated that the battery the hotel had didn't work and were worried that our car was screwed up and we had just bought it only a few weeks before. We got it to work the next day, that Monday that classes started, and arrived late on that Monday, where I dropped my father off at the hotel next to the airport and learned that a penny was stuck in the cigar lighter. (I do wonder if I really do have bad luck with cars sometimes). Cause Ringo was bought with some problems we were not told about until afterward when we learned of these things, and there ends up being a penny in the cigar lighter that we weren't told about. I had no skill at getting it out.
Only to learn that that Tuesday that my car was supposed to have a normal five-month cheek up and when we took it into CarMax in St. Louis they didn't bother on doing that even though the dashboard was saying Service! 12/2016? I've got mixed feelings about CarMax now... 😑
So that kind of screwed up my brain on having to start functioning again and getting the gears going until I had my wonderfully first mental breakdown on that Wednesday cause I couldn't think of drop s*** on what to do for my advanced printmaking class. Seriously I was irritated as....Yeah. Eventually, I broke that art block and I have a whole new series happening right now so, yay no art block (for now).
(Political rant begin) Then that next Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. day and we had no school! That still didn't help with my brain trying to figure out what was happening. And then Friday I wore full black, didn't watch TV and instead arted and watched The Hunger Games Series in the purpose to study for the future for just in case purposes, cause this country is screwed and I know we are on the brink of WWIII there is no doubt. Though I think as of now our so-called 'President' is burying his head into the boobs of the new Miss Universe as I write this. (End rant). This threw me into a frenzy of worry and fear, and I found myself in the gutter grove trying to climb about in the mud of it all through the weekend. I learned that Monday after my wonderful friend Donovan, that my dance teachers had sensed this the day before and had wondered what was up when they asked him. Sadly, the two of us haven't really seen each other much this semester for our dance days are now different than they were before.
But it was also that Monday was the day my head was like ' started school.'
Three weeks, three weeks for my brain to learn that it was in school. I think if it had known that earlier I wouldn't have nicked my thumb like I did that first Friday back. Only one person saw the effects of this and was surprisingly calm about it as she helped me clean my thumb and bandaged it. A wonderful scar is now forming on my thumb, but at least I have a functional thumb. I didn't really feel any pain, and when I put pressure on it now I don't feel anything in that area, dead nerves?
So what art have I done as of now? Several actually!
Advanced printmaking?


We Have The Cover
You guys have no idea how proud I am of this

We Have Venus

A few things were fixed, but she's not my favorite
We Have Earth

Another one with a few things added on after.
I think Earth is the weakest one so far.
We Have Mars

He's probably the strongest planet so far.
He has been full carved out since this image.
 And the most recent, 

I like him too, but he's not as strong as Mars.
From Beginning Ceramics:

Who is from Spirited Away during the Boat Scene:

I have another class that has to do with art, and our past assignments include a full sheet of doodling and paper dolls. I have to laugh cause OMG I made this:

Wait I don't know what this is.......

Waiiiitttt whaaaaaattttttt??????? Claire got a new dress? Oh hell yeah I did!!!!!
When did this happen? I got fitted the week before, and then the night before I danced at Oireachtas Daithi showed up at the practice with the new dresses and I got to try it on to make sure it fit. I could seriously drool over the whole thing for weeks on end if I wanted to.....I peer at it sometimes when I need a booster of hope and inspiration. Can't you just see that joy in my face?????
It's a wonderful maroon color that fits my body perfectly, it's got cute little wings that can't be seen very well (kind of fits my fascination with wings and drawing them) and totally fits my personality as an artist and what I like to call myself, very Bohemian 😍 I thought my Book of Kells dress was spot on amazing, but this dress....oh drool this dress.

Back to art:
What have I gotten myself into? I don't know just yet, but I know that I have gotten myself into a nice wonderful mess of arting, yet again. Haha....😖
And not just arting. This is news for everyone besides my parental units...
The mayor of Westerville approached a teacher from the engineering department about students of the department creating and making trophies for awards in leadership to local places within Westerville. It was taken by the teacher and passed around to the engineering students as well as the art students so that five students from each department would pair up and create the five trophies for the leadership awards, I was quite interested and responded when I received the email from the engineering teacher. A week passed and I get an email saying this:

I have not received any interest from other art students, but I do have 5 engineering students interested.  So here is my idea -

You will be the 'design supervisor' for all 5 projects, assisting each individual engineer with their overall design.  We want to make them all different, and the plan would be to use your expertise to help each engineering student make a great design.  Does this sound like it would work?

You hear that? Yes, that is me internally screaming. Design supervisor....

Design supervisor.

Oh, I could go on and on saying that. A wonderful pair of words....
Anyhoo, I took my chances and have gotten the ball rolling on three of the five. Woot woot to this and that!
So I have been able to pick myself up and found a stairway out of the gutter and hope to have a little bit of smooth sailing for now. I know that the sea will get rough but as of now, I'm pretty solid.

Well that was a decent ramble....


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